When producing reports for parents it is not always desirable to use the alias for subjects, shared fields or general fields that are used by Pupil Tracking for column headings on a daily basis. Using the Alias Manager a real name can be entered for each subject and field heading to be used on a report for parents. Where a real name is not provided the alias will be used.
Subject Alias/Real Names
From the administration menu navigate to Alias Manager > Edit subject alias/real names. Use this area to control how subject names will appear on reports to parents. For example the short 'ICT' abbreviation used for convenience on Pupil Tracking may be given it's full name 'Information and Communication Technology' on reports to parents.
Shared Field Alias/Real Names
From the administration menu navigate to Alias Manager > Edit shared field alias/real names. If it is preferable to have different wording for shared fields on reports to parents enter a real name for the appropriate fields.
General Field Alias/Real Names
From the administration menu navigate to Alias Manager > Edit general field alias/real names. If it is preferable to have different wording for general fields on reports to parents enter a real name for the appropriate fields.