This tool can be used to quickly import raw data provided by SQA straight into Pupil Tracking. The current raw SQA format is provided below:
Column | Heading
A ea_id
B centre
C centre_name
D scn
E forename
F surname
G sex
H estage
I qual
J title
K level
L result
This tool will extract the relevant columns from the CSV file you upload. However, if your file is in a different format you can map the columns appropriately.
Subject codes (qual) are used to identify subjects. You can view subject codes mapped to subjects on Pupil Tracking in 2 ways:
- Navigate to Database Manager > Edit subject tables. You will see subject codes in the 'Subject Code' column
- Navigate to Settings > SEEMiS integration > Subject Mapping. Clicking the Pupil Tracking subject will display the subject code mapped from SEEMiS. A re-mapping of any subject will instantly update the subject codes on Pupil Tracking