From the Administration Menu, click Text Element Manager > Edit element statements
There are two ways to manage text element statements.
- Use the radio buttons and select boxes to access the statements for particular text elements, subjects and year groups directly
- Browse the statements by subject or by element and year group
After navigating to the appropriate text element, statements can be added/edited.
Adding a New Statement
All statements are written in the male person and the word FORENAME is used in place of the pupil's first name. A maximum of 20 carriage returns per statement are allowed and a maximum of 1000 characters per statement are allowed. A maximum of 100 statements can be saved for each text element. For clarification it is possible to create 100 'Attainment' statements for S1 in English, 100 'Attainment' statements for S2 in Maths or 100 'Attainment' statements for Y7 in Science 100 'Attainment' statements for Y8 in English etc...
Available merge fields include:
The merge fields can either be typed manually or inserted using the select box and Insert button.
Statements may be issued to other year groups and subjects by clicking on the relevant link.
IMPORTANT: Statements cannot be issued to other year groups and departments retrospectively so if building a generic statement bank across the school you must ensure that the statement is correct before saving it. Should you wish to delete all statements for all year groups and departments you may do so by deleting the text element.
Example statement
FORENAME has made excellent progress this term. He always arrives to lessons on time and carries the correct equipment. FORENAME participates fully in question and answer sessions and always makes a valuable contribution to lessons. The presentation of his work is excellent and he always takes a pride in his work. Keep up the good work FORENAME!
When completing a campaign for James a user will see...
James has made excellent progress this term. He always arrives to lessons on time and carries the correct equipment. James participates fully in question and answer sessions and always makes a valuable contribution to lessons. The presentation of his work is excellent and he always takes a pride in his work. Keep up the good work James!
When completing a campaign for Emma a user will see...
Emma has made excellent progress this term. She always arrives to lessons on time and carries the correct equipment. Emma participates fully in question and answer sessions and always makes a valuable contribution to lessons. The presentation of her work is excellent and she always takes a pride in her work. Keep up the good work Emma!
Editing Existing Statements
Click Edit under the Action column.
Statements may be edited in the same way they are added.