From the Administration Menu, click External Gateway > Edit external users
From this screen it is possible to search for external users, contact external users, deny access to external users, export external users, view login statistics for external users and remove pupils from external user accounts.
Search for users via their surname or email address.
The external user's ID.
The title of the external user.
The external user's surname.
The external user's email address. Clicking the email address will open a modal window displaying a form which can be used to send an email to the user.
Account Created
The date and time the external user created their account.
ADR (Agreed to Download Reports)
This column shows a tick where external users have indicated that they are happy to receive their reports electronically (i.e. by downloading PDFs through their Pupil Tracking account) rather than receiving a paper copy. Since version 4 (May 2023) this is set to true by default for new users and cannot be edited. The thinking being that there is no reason for a user to have an account unless they are going to collect their reports online. This caused confusion amongst our users and so was removed. If you have a parent that needs to edit this attribute, please contact us directly.
This column shows whether or not an external user has access to Pupil Tracking's External Gateway. It is possible to Deny access to individuals by checking the appropriate users and selecting Allow or Deny from the select box at the base of the page. When a denied user tries to login, Pupil Tracking will behave as if the account did not exist.
This column displays possible actions which can be carried out on external users. Clicking Edit will open a modal window displaying the pupils that the external user has access to along with the licence types they hold. Clicking Remove will remove a pupil from an external users account. User login statistics are also displayed along with other details about the user including the date and time they last logged in.
Other options include:
Export Options
Clicking Export options will open a modal window providing the option to export external users to Excel. From this modal it is possible to export all external users holding a specific licence type or export pupils have or do not have a specific licence holder associated with their account. For example, use this facility to find out which pupils do not have a Parent/Guardian licence type associated with their account or to find out which pupils have not yet created a Pupil Tracking account for themselves.
Login Statistics
Clicking Login statistics will open a modal window displaying login statistics for all external users. To view login statistics for a specific licence holder use the links directly under the displayed bar chart.
Review External User Accounts
Clicking Review user accounts will open a new screen displaying external users who have no pupils associated with their account and who have not logged in for at least 12 months. If you know users are unlikely to register further pupils it is a good idea to delete the account. External users can delete their own account if they wish.