From the Administration Menu, click on Campaign Manager > Edit current campaigns. Click Manage under the Action column.
A campaign summary will be displayed along with campaign options.
Campaign Options
Current campaigns can be edited, deleted, activated/deactivated and extended/shortened depending on the status and content of the campaign. Note: Campaigns cannot be deleted when active.
Editing a Campaign
Editing a campaign uses the same options as adding a new campaign. However, if the campaign is active, certain elements fundamental to the integrity of the campaign will be non-editable.
Deleting a Campaign
Deleting a campaign will delete the campaign and any text elements associated with the campaign. Data associated with the campaign will not be affected.
Activating/Deactivating a Campaign
Activated campaigns will appear on the subject homepage once the start date has been reached. See Activating a campaign for more details.
Extending/Shorten a Campaign
Use to extend or shorten the end date of a current campaign. See Extending or Shortening a Campaign for more details
Send Invitation
Use this link to send an email invitation to external users informing them that a new report is available on Pupil Tracking. On clicking the link the Mass Email External Users page will be displayed with the subject and target year group fields completed. A warning will be displayed if the campaign/report has not been made available to external users through the Report Manager or if settings for the campaign/report have not been saved through the report manager. To prepare a report on Pupil Tracking so that it can be collected electronically by external users follow the simple steps below:
1. Ensure that the Reports portlet is available to the type of external users you wish to target e.g. Parent/Guardian
2. Ensure the campaign has ended and that all auditing/proof reading is complete.
3. Click Report Manager > Produce a report and make sure a tick is displayed under the Available Externally column. Only reports with a tick in this column will be available to external users through the Reports portlet.
4. Click Report Manager > Produce a report. Under the Produce a report for: column click Parents. Set up the report as you would like it to be seen by parents. Check the Save the settings only and do not download report check box and click Download & save settings.
5. Click Campaign Manager > Edit current campaigns > Manage next to the campaign you wish to email external users about. From the options available at the top of the page click Send invitation. select the type of external user you would like to email. Enter an appropriate message and email receipt address, then click the Send button. (Mail on Pupil Tracking is sent every 10 minutes. You will receive an email receipt once your mass email has been sent). External users will be informed by email that a new report is available on Pupil Tracking. They can instantly login to their account and download the report.
Check Read Receipts
Whenever an external user clicks to download a report from their Pupil Tracking account a record is created. Pupil Tracking will automatically work out which external users should have read this report based upon the details held within the campaign. Clicking Check read receipts will open a child window providing the following options:
- Export external users who HAVE read this report - This will export to Excel all the external users of a specific type who have read a report
- Export external users who HAVE NOT read this report - This will export to Excel all the external users of a specific type who have not read a report
- Send email reminder to external users who have not read this report - This option will display an email form allowing you to send an email reminder to only those external users who have not read a report
Report Options
There are many report options available depending on the content of the campaign.
Download campaign summary as PDF
This will produce a PDF document of the campaign summary.
Download subject audit report
This will produce a PDF document for each subject with details of complete and audited data/text. From this report it is possible to tell which classes and subjects have incomplete data/text.
Download pastoral audit report
This will produce a PDF document for each form/tutor group with details of complete and audited text. From this report it is possible to tell which forms/tutor groups have incomplete text.
Download all data and text for the subject
By clicking a subject a PDF document will be produced displaying data/text for all pupils in set/class order.
Export data for this campaign to Excel for the subject
By clicking on a department an Excel file containing relevant data will be exported.
Download pastoral text for all forms/tutor groups
By clicking Pastoral a PDF document will be produced displaying pastoral text for each pupil in form/tutor group order.