From the Administration Menu, click Campaign Manager > Add a New Campaign
Start Date
This is the date you would like the campaign to start. On this date an active campaign will be listed under the Active Campaigns menu on the subject homepage. Users who have subscribed to campaign email alerts will also receive details of the active campaign via email.
End Date
This is the date you would like the campaign completed and audited by. After this date the campaign will disappear from the 'Active Campaigns' menu on the departmental homepage. Use the select box below to set a buffer between the 'Completed by' and 'Audited by' dates. If you wish to produce a report immediately simply enter an end date of yesterday and proceed straight to the Report Manager.
For Pupils in Year
Select the year group the campaign applies to here.
This is the title of the campaign and the default title for the report which will subsequently be produced from this campaign. The campaign title can be edited at any time and the title to appear on the final report can be changed through the Report Manager before the final report is compiled. The year group is automatically appended to the campaign title. This is important as it provides a reference when the campaign is referred to in the future.
A campaign may contain data only, text only or data and text.
Data Only
Data only campaigns allow selection from the shared fields currently held on Pupil Tracking. When completing a data only campaign, subject users will only see the fields selected for this campaign. Using a data only campaign eliminates the need for subject users to select the fields of data they are required to edit.
For example, a data only campaign would be used:
1. if an interim report is required, i.e. a report that simply shows grades and no comments
2. to collect specific termly data from staff
3. to compile pupil profiles for groups of pupils
Text Only
Text only campaigns contain no data.
Data and Text
Data and text campaigns allow selection from both shared fields and the text elements currently held on Pupil Tracking. When completing a data and text campaign, subject users will only see the data fields and text elements selected for this campaign.
Audit Code
If the audit process needs to be restricted to specific staff, then an audit code can be entered in the Using this Audit Code box. If an audit code is used, the status of text can only be updated to Audited or Please revise by entering this code. Leaving this box clear will allow any staff to update the text status to Audited or Please revise.
Max Chars
This is the maximum amount of characters which can be entered into each text element. When staff are entering text for a campaign they are limited to the amount of characters they can enter for each text element e.g. 1000 for Attainment, 1000 for Effort, 1000 for Ways Forward etc. Using the max chars setting you can increase the default limit of 1000 characters per text element.
Shared Fields and Text Elements
Highlight the required fields or elements one at a time and using the horizontal arrows move the fields or elements to the right hand box. Fields and elements will appear in the final report in the order they are listed. To re-order, select the field(s)/element(s) to be moved and use the vertical arrows to position. Use Ctrl+click to select/de-select objects.
General Data
General fields may also be included in a campaign as non-editable fields.
Pastoral only campaign (Only available with a 'Text only' campaign)
Checking this box will mean only pastoral text elements are requested for completion by this campaign.
Selecting subjects to include in a campaign
Highlight the required subjects then using the horizontal arrows move the subjects to the right hand box. Subjects will appear in the final report in the order they are listed. To re-order, select the subjects to be moved and use the vertical arrows to position. Use Ctrl+click or drag your mouse to select/de-select objects. Campaigns requesting pastoral text elements will still appear to all subjects as an entry point for form tutor comments to be entered. However, only pastoral comments will be requested by subjects not included in the campaign.
Disable pupil portal
When completing a campaign staff may easily view a pupil's achievements in other subject areas by clicking on the pupil portal icon. If this is not desirable you may disable the pupil portal for individual campaigns.