Pupil Tracking supports 4 internal roles and 1 external role:
The super user role can perform any action on Pupil Tracking apart from editing another super user. Only Pupil Tracking can add, edit or delete a super user. Commonly only 2 super users will exist on your system. One will be a user designated by the school when your system was initially setup, and the other will be a Pupil Tracking member of staff created to aid with support.
The admin user role can perform any action on Pupil Tracking apart from editing another super or admin user. Only a super user can add, edit or delete an admin user.
The teacher role can access the subject interface only and has no access to the administration interface. The teacher role can only access subjects listed on their account. The subject list can be accessed via the user's 'My subjects' link.
The subject role can access the subject interface only and has no access to the administration interface. The subject role can only access subjects that have privileges granted . The subject list can be accessed via the user's 'My subjects' link. Subject users are a legacy role on Pupil Tracking and although still supported they are not managed through the user interface. See legacy subject Role functionality for more details.
The external role can only access the External Gateway interface and has no access to the administration or subject interfaces. External users are managed separately through the external gateway.
Note. Both admin and super roles are referred to as 'administrators' throughout the application help.