From the Administration Menu, click Database Manager > Edit note categories
Note categories allow users to group notes under a specific category and use the category as a filter when searching for notes. The number of notes assigned to each category is displayed next to the category name. When you first create a category, this will be (0). However, as more notes are categorised, this total will increase and provide valuable information on the most popular categories.
Each new category should be given a name and a description.
Category Name
The name of the category.
Category Description
A simple description of the category explaining to users what you expect notes in this category to include. The category description is only displayed to teaching staff and is never displayed in the external interface. When a new note is added by teaching staff, they can select a note category. Upon selecting a category the category description is displayed.
Allow 'Available Externally'
By checking this box, you give the user the option of making this note available to external users. If you never want notes in this category available to external users, leave this box unchecked. If you edit a note category that was previously made available externally, 2 things will happen:
1) 'Available Externally' will be set to 'No' for all notes in this category.
2) This category will be removed from 'Allowed Note Categories' for all external user licence types.
Deleting a Note Category
Deleting a note category does not delete notes within that category. Instead, notes assigned to this category will be assigned back to 'No Category'.
No Category
Notes can exist with no category. This is to support existing notes that were previously on the system before note categories were introduced. 'No Category' will also be assigned to notes that have their category deleted.
Using Note Categories with the External Gateway
Any note categories created with Allow 'Available Externally' checked can be made available to external users. However, they are not available by default and you will need to make them available to each licence type by editing the licence type access settings. This approach provides the ultimate flexibility because it enables different note categories to be made available to different licence types.
Notes Workflow and Roles
When a user with the role 'Teacher' creates a note, they become the author of that note and the note cannot be edited by other teaching staff. 'Super' or 'Admin' users can edit any notes. However, once edited, they become the author of that note. That is to say, it is not possible for any user to assume the identity of another user. If a user is deleted from the system, their note will remain with the author field indicating the author is now a deleted user. Only 'Super' or 'Admin' roles can edit notes belonging to deleted users.