From the Administration Menu, click Database Manager > Edit field categories
Field categories allow you to group general, shared and subject specific fields into categories. These categories are then displayed when users select fields. Once categories have been created they can then be applied to fields. Once a single category has been assigned to a field or group of fields that category will appear alongside a second auto generated category 'Other' which will contain any uncategorised fields. Once all fields have been categorised the auto generated 'Other' category will no longer be displayed.
Subject Specific Categories
A single subject specific category may be applied to multiple subjects. However, it is not possible to apply different categories to subject specific fields of the same name. For example if both Maths and English have the field 'Test Result' then only one category can exist for both these fields. Indeed if this is the case there is a good chance that 'Test Result' should be moved to a shared field.
Sorting & Filtering
Use the sort and filters on this page to manage the categories displayed whilst adding/editing or managing categories. Click Clear filters or simply revisit this page to clear all applied filters and sorts.
Deleting Field Categories
Deleting a field category has no effect on the fields it has been assigned to. The fields will simply be unassigned from that category.
Adding a Field Category
Select the type of field this category will belong to.
Category Name
Enter a name for your category between 2 and 100 characters. Try to be as concise as possible.
Weight controls the order categories appear within user interfaces. If no weight is assigned the categories will appear in the order in which they were created. The lighter the weight the further up in the order the category will appear. For example, in a scenario where categories were weighted 1 - 10, 1 would appear at the top and 10 at the bottom.
You may optionally add a tag for each category to help with category management. Tags are most useful when adding 'Subject specific' categories. For example by filtering on 'Subject specific' categories and searching on the tag 'maths' you could more easily manage all the 'maths' categories.
Save / Save & add
Use 'Save & add' when you want to add multiple categories one after the other. Use 'Save' when you want to add a category and return to 'Field categories'.