From the Administration Menu, click Pupil Manager > Edit existing pupils
Use the search facility to find the pupil that requires editing:
Search For
Enter the Surname, Forename or Admin_No(UPN/SCN) for the pupil. Alternatively leave this box blank to page through all pupils in alphabetical order of surname, forename.
A search may be narrowed by using extra search criteria below:
In Year
Select a year group.
In Form
Select a form/tutor group.
Select either ascending or descending.
Result Per Page
Select the number of result to be displayed (5 - 40).
Once the pupil has been located the options External Users, Edit and Delete are displayed under the Action column.
Clicking the pupil portal icon (far left) will open a modal window displaying all the information and historical data available for a single pupil.
External Users
Clicking External users will open a modal window displaying the external users associated with a pupil account. From this window external users can be contacted or removed from the pupil account.
Clicking Edit will display the editing options for the selected pupil.
Clicking Delete will delete all records for the selected pupil from Pupil Tracking. This action cannot be undone. Use with caution.