From the Administration Menu, click Pupil Manager > Options
Delete a Year Group
Selecting the appropriate year group from the drop down menu and clicking on Delete will permanently delete that year group and all records associated with that year group from Pupil Tracking. This action cannot be undone and should only be used at the end of a year when removing an obsolete year group.
Delete Sets For
Before importing new sets to Pupil Tracking it is a good idea to delete existing set codes. Using the drop down menus it is possible to delete sets for specific year groups and subjects or all year groups and subjects. Note that deleting set codes merely updates the pupil's set to a blank field. No pupils or data will be deleted.
For example. To delete all set codes for all subjects at the start of a new year simply leave the default settings All Years in All Subjects and click Delete.
To delete all the set codes for year 6 in Art. Select year 6 from the year menu, select Art from the subject menu and click on Delete.
Move All Pupils Up By 1 Year
At the beginning of a school year it is necessary to move all pupils up by 1 year group. This can be done by clicking the Go button.
IMPORTANT: It is imperative that pupils are moved up a year using this tool rather than importing new year groups through the import interface or letting an integration update the year group. This tool will not only update a pupils year group but will also archive any campaigns ensuring the integrity of all reports. Failure to use this for updating all year groups may result in corrupted reports.